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tv   Washington Journal Tom Davis  CSPAN  June 10, 2019 1:53pm-1:59pm EDT

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antitrust investigations by the house judiciary committee. carl: when we see one company become -- or achieve what's called market power, it means you're the dominant power and they engage in anti-competitive behavior as laid out in what's called the sherman act. that's something like self-dealing or tying. it's tough -- it doesn't help anybody but specifically designed to prevent new entrance or competition. current antitrust law addresses that. gene: the fact that the house judiciary committee announced they are in a bipartisan way looking to hold hearings, briefings, and possibly do some investigating on their own to understand the digital market, understand if antitrust needs to be changed and updated or if there are other policies to promote competition, i think that's the exact right role for congress to be playing here. understanding if there's a problem, identifying the problem, and then looking for the right best tool to address
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it. >> watch "the communicators" tonight at 8:00 eastern on c-span2. >> house coming back in just over five minutes. judiciary committee meeting also. that will be on c-span3. more about the mueller report and ahead of that hearing this afternoon, the judiciary chair jerry nadler tweeting this. today we announced an agreement with the department of justice for the mueller report evidence based on presidential obstruction. the house judiciary will obtain key evidence underlying the special counsel investigation. he also says the house is still expected to consider h.res. 430 tomorrow, the resolution authorizing the committee to enforce its subpoenas in federal court. again, that hearing coming up with former white house counsel john dean at 2:00 eastern and the house coming in for their work at 2:00 as well here on c-span. former congressman tom
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davis is back at our desk. one of the many hats you wore during your time at congress as chair of the house oversight committee. for six point what new tools democrats are looking to give their committee chairs now when it comes to pursuing their investigations answer -- and enforcing their subpoenas. guest: the major change -- i was only committee congress chairman that could shoot a subpoena, but now i think they have given that the most committee chairman. committee has a is out there that they would allow the minority to know about it ahead of time. now if you want to hold somebody in contempt, that is different. then you may need to go to the house floor and have a cool partyline vote. host: why are democrats looking to pursue this effort through the civil courts when it comes to trying to enforce -- guest: if they take it the other
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way, they have to go through the justice department, and going through the justice department of the trump administration. but let me explain the larger context. this has been evolving. is congress no longer operates as an independent branch. the president's party in congress is now an appendage of the negative branch, whether obama, trump, clinton, bush. ec members of that party protecting that president, trying to make sure that president is protected, because voters react that way, voting party, not person. minorityher hand, the hand of congress no longer sees itself as a minority shareholder. they tend to see themselves as the opposition party. the end result is the resident's party tends to under investigate, the opposition
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party over investigates, and this is evolving for 20 years. i think every president takes it to a new level. the end result is congress does not operate as an independent branch anymore. it is operating like a parliamentary system. host: i think the count is 20 some different investigations conducted by different house committees. this term, bipartisan legal advisory group, what is that? guest: we will find out. what the democrats are trying to do is build up some popular pressure for the investigations they are trying to do. they are trying to bring republicans into the fold to investigate the administration -- unlikely to happen. host: put on your former republican congressional committee chairman have for a second and talk about impeachment and what it would mean in the 2020 field as democrats try to keep the house. how would you sell this as you
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try to recruit candidates to run? guest: if you are in a safely district, there voters believe that every day the president is in office is a danger to the republic, what are you doing to keep him in office. if you are in a swing district that trumka carry in the next election, you will be more hesitant to go after the president, go after impeachment. is trying to do two things. first is see proctors if they proceed on impeachment. secondly, she wants to protect because iticts, keeps the party in the majority. so there's a lot of politics that plays into this. depending what street you are from, you will view it differently. republicanr
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representative tom davis from virginia. he was the oversight, chairman, chair of the nrc c.p.a. here to take your calls and questions. republicans, (202) 748-8001. democrats, (202) 748-8000. independents, (202) 748-8002. we want to stick with that 20 field and the house map. how hard is it to recruit when you are in the minority in the house? and what is the cell for republicans -- sell for rep ublicans? guest: democrats had a pretty good recruitment team. there was a lot of anger out with the democratic base. had a lot of people who felt empowered who traditionally had not been involved. could feel a little bit of a wave building at this point. it makes it easy to recruit when you have a cause, and cause sai >> part of our conversation this morning on


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